
Screen Shot 2019-02-09 at 6.49.59 PMThese days, I am more into listening to Podcasts and scrolling through the Twitter app, oppose to scrolling through people’s personal blog sites. To be honest, I do not religiously follow any blogs, so for this assignment I had to do a lot of researching and reading. I read about numerous bloggers and also read blogs published by the ones that seamed to interest me most. The finance blogs bored me too easily, although I am sure they are filled with important and helpful content. The same can be said for the blogs about technology–not my style. I personally have more of an interest in blogs that do not make me think too hard. For me, I like for the blogs I am reading to relax me and not think too deeply–an escape from reality if you will. I came across this woman Heather Armstrong and immediately fell in love with her content. She does not censor her language and is very upfront. To me, this made me feel like I am reading the voice of a woman who is very transparent. The tone she immediately gives off already helps the reader feel like they know her. This alone caught my attention. She blogs about her every day life and being a single mother. It all is somewhat relatable, but more than anything else it is incredibly humorous. Her content is easy to ready and she keeps you entertained with her uncensored thoughts. She turns serious every day life stories into content to laugh about. She has tabs for her blog posts, her podcasts, and even a tab for the community to get involved with their own writings. It is also very clean looking with a white background, black text, and some pictures and videos,L


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Another blogger I came across is Julie Sarinana, as seen in the picture shown above. I did not just come across her blog, but I head over heals fell in love with her page. Her content is very different from Armstrong’s. Sarinana blogs are all about fashion, how to wear certain colors, what is in style for the season, where to buy certain articles of clothing, and so on. Her blog is set up similar to Heather Armstrong’s in aspects of using a white background with black writing. The tabs at the top are straightforward and helpful as well. She definitely incorporates more photos, simply because the idea of this blog is quite different from Armstrong’s. One of her tabs is labeled ‘Lifestyle’, and this is where she blogs about more than just fashion, such as vacations and food. She carries this boho-chic style throughout her photos, fashion style, life style, and blog design. The style in not just how she writes, but the content she talks about follows a specific look. The fluidity and consistency in style helps the reader feel closer with the author because it gives off such a transparent vibe she lives by to her audience.


In the reading for week 3, we learned about how to become a blogger. While it is obvious that writing is far from easy, it is important to note where to start in order to be successful. One of the first points addressed was knowing your audience. Who are you blogging to? So for someone like Heather Armstrong, the majority of her audience is most likely mothers, therefore, a lot of her blogs are incredibly relatable to anyone with children. For Julie Sarinana, her audience is most likely people who are into fashion. Therefore, her posts are all mostly fashion related.